King Charles ‘digital disaster’ with Commonwealth video attacked: ‘For the love of God’


King Charles’ “digital misadventure” puts him at the center of criticism from royal experts.

Royal expert Daniela Elser comments on King Charles’ video of different choirs from different Commonwealth countries singing a cover of Steve Winwood’s Higher Love,

Alongside the clip, Her Majesty’s team wrote: “I was very proud to see the contributions from across the Commonwealth… Each of your contributions was unique and incredibly special and I was very touched that you took the time and effort to contribute.”

Elsher then commented on the caption and the video, noting, “It’s bad enough that a bright spark came with this video for the concert, clearly as a way to include all those faraway bits of the world that make up the Commonwealth, but why for the love of god put it on social media?

“The video is like a horrible throwback to the British Pathé era, as if the producers, wearing their safari suits and helmets behind their London offices, sent a note to the Commonwealth asking them to find as many people and children as possible. they color as much as they could and then demand to perform for the cameras.

“First, while some of the choirs seem genuinely excited to be in this production, others look like they’ve been dragged into it, and their lack of enthusiasm is hard to miss.”


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